Marvel Rivals

Every Heroic Journey Achievement in Marvel Rivals Explained4 min read

Every Heroic Journey Achievement in Marvel Rivals Explained

Marvel Rivals features an extensive achievement system, and the Heroic Journey Achievement section stands out as a challenge for dedicated players. This system rewards players for performing specific tasks using particular heroes, teaming up with allies, or defeating certain enemies.

To help you navigate these achievements, we have structured them by requirements, ranks, and rewards.

Understanding Heroic Journey Achievements

Understanding Heroic Journey Achievements

Each Heroic Journey Achievement falls into different ranks, primarily Bronze and Silver, each offering a set number of achievement points (AP). Completing these achievements unlocks skins, units, and other in-game rewards. 

Below is a structured list of achievements categorized by rank.

These achievements require:

  • Playing specific heroes.
  • Teaming up with allies.
  • Defeating particular enemies.
  • Executing well-timed KOs and assists.
  • Performing unique in-game actions.

Bronze Heroic Journey Achievements

Achievement NameHeroRequirementReward (AP)
No Love LostStormPartner with Black Panther to land one KO5
Arrow’s BiteHawkeyePartner with Black Widow to land one KO5
Web, White, and BlueSpider-ManPartner with Captain America to land one KO5
Vengeance & GloryThe PunisherPartner with Captain America to land one KO5
Beard Bros!Iron ManPartner with Doctor Strange to land one KO5
Master and ApprenticeMagikPartner with Doctor Strange to land one KO5
Moonlit HelMoon KnightPartner with Hela to land one KO5
Jian and KatanaPsylockePartner with Iron Fist to land one KO5
Stark Fan Club FounderSquirrel GirlPartner with Iron Man to land one KO5
Getting ChummyNamorLand one KO with an assist from Jeff the Land Shark5

Silver Heroic Journey Achievements

Achievement NameHeroRequirementReward (AP)
No More MutantsScarlet WitchTake down Mutant enemies 10 times10
King of the DeadBlack PantherLand a 3-player KO streak in Wakanda10
Terror of the Ten RealmsHelaLand a 3-player KO streak in Yggsgard10
West Coast, Best CoastHawkeyePartner with the Avengers to land 10 KOs10
Family TiesAdam WarlockForge a soul bond with three Guardians of the Galaxy allies10
Go Get ‘Em, GuardiansRocket RaccoonRevive Guardians of the Galaxy members five times10
Vengeance for the Milano!Star-LordLand 10 KOs with assists from Guardians of the Galaxy10
Homo SuperiorMagnetoAssist Mutant allies 10 times10
To Me, My X-Men!StormAssist X-Men members 10 times10
Deadly BitesBlack WidowLand three KOs with critical hits in a single match10

How to Efficiently Complete Heroic Journey Achievements

  1. Play with Friends: Many achievements require specific allies, making coordination easier.
  2. Choose the Right Maps: Some achievements are location-based (e.g., Wakanda, Yggsgard).
  3. Prioritize Team Play: Assists and coordinated attacks often count towards multiple achievements.
  4. Keep Track of Progress: A spreadsheet or in-game tracker can help optimize completion.
  5. Use the Right Heroes: Achievements demand playing particular characters. Ensure you’re familiar with their abilities.

Heroic Journey Rewards

Heroic Journey Rewards

Earning Heroic Journey Achievement points unlocks various in-game rewards, including:

  • Ivory Breeze Skin (Storm) – Unlocks at 200 Achievement Points.
  • Jovial Star Skin (Star-Lord) – Unlocks at 400 Achievement Points.
  • Up to 1500 Units – Earned through milestone completions, usable for in-game purchases.

Final Thoughts

The Heroic Journey Achievement system in Marvel Rivals is designed to reward skill, teamwork, and strategy. Completing these challenges not only improves your gameplay but also grants exclusive rewards. Focus on synergy, execute objectives effectively, and track your progress to maximize your achievements.

With the right approach, unlocking all rewards is just a matter of time.

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