Black Ops 6 Zombies: How To Quickly Get More Points3 min read

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 features an all-new Zombies mode for players to explore and earn points quickly to get successful within the game. The exciting round-based mode has made a comeback once again during this year’s Call of Duty title. It introduced two new maps (Liberty Falls and Terminus), replayability, and thrilling experiences. The mode has everything and more!
Treyarch has tried its best to attract more players out of Multiplayer and into the Zombies mode. The primary goal is to get to the highest possible round by getting your hands on the most huge number of points to make sure that you have a smooth and exciting gameplay experience. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into how you can do so by getting points quickly in the BO6 mode.
The Role Of Points In Black Ops 6 Zombies
Gaining points is a crucial aspect of Black Ops 6 Zombies if you want to unlock new weapons, upgrade gear, and get through the massive hordes of the undead without a scratch. You start every Zombies playthrough with very few points and will continue to earn more with every round. It’s important to note that you won’t get any points by running away from the undead.
You also won’t get them if you let your team members do most of the work. Some of the most fundamental ways to earn points are by healing fallen teammates, dealing damage or killing Zombies, and completing specific quests or objectives in the entire game mode. The following are some helpful tips for earning points quickly in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies mode.
Maximum Easter Egg Completion
This year’s round-based Zombies mode features a huge variety of Easter eggs, more than ever seen before. Once you complete them, you’ll get thousands of points, with some Easter eggs awarding you 60,000 points. Grinding on Liberty Falls and Terminus will get you to your goal.
S.A.M. Trials Objectives Activation
This is an all-new Black Ops 6 Zombies feature that consists of optional challenges that appear during random rounds in the middle of your match. Once you activate and complete any of the trials, you’ll receive an award, including some extra points. When it’s activated, extra Zombies are set to spawn into the ground, which allows players to get more eliminations.
This further helps you get a whole lot more points. Unfortunately, these S.A.M trials can be pretty challenging and complex, especially when you get to later rounds. Therefore, mentally and physically prepare yourself before jumping into a match and start killing the undead army. If you want shiny weapon camos before you go into the action, check out our Abyss camo and Dark Matter camo boosting services for Black Ops 6.
Headshots & Getting Critical Kills
Getting a kill through a headshot is thought of as a critical kill in Black Ops 6 Zombies and always rewards players with more points. Going for the head and farming as many critical kills as you can is one of the definite ways to stack those points. You can increase your chance of getting Critical Kills by equipping the Deadshot Daiquiri Perk-A-Cola, which enhances your ADS precision and maximizes Critical Damage. This makes it easier to score even more headshots.