How Many People Are Playing XDefiant2 min read

XDefiant is a free-to-play first-person shooter video game that took the world by storm on May 21, 2024. Developed by Ubisoft San Francisco, the game shattered player records on launch and quickly became famous as the “Call of Duty Killer.” The FPS game has been through quite a rollercoaster ride since its launch. Here, we’ll discuss how many people are playing XDefiant!
XDefiant Current Player Count
XDefiant takes players into an adrenaline-filled shooter gaming experience in which players can go up against each other in various dynamic areas. The game’s first-person shooter combined with competitive gameplay makes the title a unique one in the genre. You choose from several factions, like the Phantoms, Echelons, Libertad, etc., each featuring special skills and load-outs.
In addition, the free-to-play game features a wide range of maps that offer high-spirited and diverse battlegrounds. Both Arena and Linear Maps make sure that the game provides an immersive and exciting gameplay experience every time they enter the match. Taking all of this into account, we can see why the game absolutely burst with popularity during its launch.
48 hours after XDefiant officially came out, more than three million people were busy exploring the Call of Duty-inspired gameplay, and seven days later, the player count reached 7.6 million. This data was collectively taken from all platforms, including PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. As it turns out, the game’s high-paced gameplay, skins, and weapons continued to attract millions!
It has been over three months since the game came out, and many are curious to know how the game is currently doing after its ground-breaking launch. Taking a look at the total number of current XDefiant players will help you better understand how the game is doing.
Since its massive launch, XDefiant has gained and lost a large number of players over the last couple of months. In the last 30 days, the FPS game has had over 1,544,741 monthly average concurrent players, with more than 442,826 daily average players, according to During the same month, the game lost over 105,403 players. Moreover, XDefiant saw a gain of 65,144 players in August.
Regarding Twitch stats, the shooter game saw a total of 1,724 viewers on average, with the number of peak viewers hitting 8,664. The total number of hours watched during the same month was 1.27 million. While we’re halfway through September, the game saw 1,229 average viewers, with the number of peak viewers going all the way up to 5,192, which is impressive.
That’s all there is to know about the XDefiant player count, its total player base, and monthly active users. While the game completely burst during launch, it has somehow managed to keep a steady player base.
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