VALORANT Patch 9.10 Introduces Agent Nerfs, Buffs, & More2 min read

Riot Games has officially launched update 9.10’s patch notes, introducing multiple massive changes to VALORANT agents. Both Omen and Cypher have received major nerfs, whereas Sage, Deadlock, and Phoenix were at the brunt of buffs. In this article, we’ll discuss everything there is about 9.10 Patch Notes and the changes it has made to the fun first-person shooter!
VALORANT 9.10 Patch Notes
New Regen Shield
It began with a surprising new addition to the game in the form of a regenerative shield players can get from the buy menu instead of the two options currently available. The Regen Shield in VALORANT is priced at 650 credits and provides you with a 25hp shield that has the power to regenerate 50 lost HP over time. So, it can easily regenerate from empty twice in one round.
Agent Changes
Huge changes were made to VALORANT agents in the 9.10 patch notes, with tons of buffs and nerfs being made to fan-favorite heroes. Let’s start with nerfs. Cypher was fairly hit pretty hard with some nerfs that were made to his abilities like his ultimate got a one-point increase. On the other hand, his Trapwire ability received a 0.5-second wind-up before disclosing the wallhack.
This makes it easier for his opponents to counter his ability, but it also doesn’t completely take away the ability to gather information from all over the map. The other agent who got hit hard with this patch was Omen, whose smokes were the victims of some massive nerfs. Following the change, his Dark Cover smokes always fall onto geometry that players can stand on.
This means that you cannot place one-way smokes on small pieces of geometry that stick out a tiny amount anymore. Medium to high-level Omen players will truly feel this aspect of the agent’s change since they are aware of all of these tricks. Moving on to the agent buffs, Riot has handed out many of those to the game’s agents as well, including Sage and Phoenix.
Sage ended up getting a self heal increase, an ultimate cost decrease, and her Slowing Orb receiving a dash slow. On the other hand, Phoenix has gotten a huge list of changes, including a heal over time once he touches fire and his Blaze ability now gets the chance to go through walls. That’s all there is to know about these exciting (and somewhat unfortunate) changes!
If you wish to learn more about VALORANT 9.10 Patch notes, then you can do so from their official website! Players should also prepare themselves for the upcoming Episode 10 Act 1 update since that’s also set to introduce a wide range of changes and new items, cosmetics, and skins to the first-person shooter. So, make sure to polish your skills and strategies for that!