Marvel Rivals – How To Identify Bots2 min read

The Quick Play mode in Marvel Rivals can take players one of two ways, with the first allowing them to have tons of fun while testing all the new characters. However, the other just makes it seem impossible for them to win in some matches. Most of the time, it’s mainly because you’re playing in a match that’s filled with bots. In this article, we’ll discuss how to get rid of these bots.
How To Identify Bots In Marvel Rivals?
While there are a handful of ways to identify bots, none of them are surefire ones and can often confuse us. Bots act a particular way, so it might seem like it’s easy to identify them. One of the ways that players often rely on to identify bots is that if they’re dominating the match more than usual, then they’ve been put in a match with bots. However, there’s no way to be sure until now.
For quite some time now, players have been trying out different methods to confirm if they’re playing with actual, AI-controlled bots. However, there is one particular method that has been getting the attention of many players online because of its accuracy. One certain user shared their method in a Reddit thread where players were discussing their problems with these bots.
In this method, they’ve recommended players utilize the website to check if they have been playing with bots in their Marvel Rival matches. All you have to do is look up your gamer tag or UID in the Marvel Rivals section of the website. Once that’s successfully done, the next step of this method involves you clicking through to take a look at your match history.
If the match did indeed contain bots within it, then you’ll see their names displayed as “BOT” and not some real player name. Fans in the post’s comments section claimed that these bot matches generally happen after a loss streak, which is indeed true. Many have also confirmed that this method actually worked for them despite not believing it in the beginning.
However, many players’ experiences also suggest that bot matches can happen after a specific number of losses. However, it’s likely that you’ll be thrown into one once you’ve been completely destroyed by the opposing team. One of the users wrote, “wow, that’s actually insanely helpful. Pretty much confirmed every match i thought i was fighting against bots, were actually bots.”
That’s all there is to know about how you can identify if you’re playing in a match with bots in Marvel Rivals. If you want to get your hands on an account for sale or simply want to boost your achievements, then you can head to the popular MitchCactus website, which is among some of the best online and offers the best prices.