How To Complete The Great Turtle Quest in Fortnite Chapter 63 min read

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 marks the return of story quests, taking players through the all-new storyline for the ongoing chapter. These quests are set to be launched over the entire season, but a couple of them are already out, hooking players to their unique gameplay and lore. In this article, we’ll talk about one of these quests called the Great Turtle, and how you can complete it!
How To Complete The Great Turtle Quest?
Before beginning this quest, you’ll be required to complete the Jade and the Mask story quest. The main goal of this quest is to search for a mysterious and gigantic turtle that changes its location in every match. You must also interact with Ryuji, a character present on the turtle’s shell. With Ryuji’s help, you must free the turtle of Dark Magic Thorns to complete the quest.
How To Find The Great Turtle?
Although this might sound easy, it’s more complicated and challenging, especially since it’s pretty difficult for players to locate the turtle. Despite its huge size, this turtle can be quite elusive and doesn’t stick to a fixed point. However, you can find it in one of the six potential locations. In the map below, you’ll see the locations where the turtle might spawn in every match you play.
Although one can’t accurately predict which location will be used in advance, you can still go through these locations from the Battle Bus. When you’re looking from above, the creature will seem like a massive island with trees growing on top of it. Once you get to it, you will have completed the first part of this story quest. Now, all you have to do is help Ryuji free the turtle.
How To Free The Great Turtle’s Shell Of Dark Magic Thorns?
You’ll discover five glowing red splinters of wood penetrating out of the Great Turtle’s shell that need to be destroyed in order to free it of Dark Magic Thorns. The simplest method to do this is to hit them with a pickaxe. However, other kinds of attacks will also work. Once you’ve removed all of these five thorns, you can interact with Ryuji, located on the Great Turtle’s back, to complete this quest. You can also now claim your reward by digging into his rare treasure chest.
That’s all there is to know about completing the Great Turtle story quest in Chapter 6 Season 1. You’ll come across the Splinters of Possibility quest once you’ve completed this one, which is equally challenging, so here’s the proper guide to completing it. If you’re looking for a change within the game, then you can check out some of these best upcoming skins in Fortnite. Make sure to keep an eye out for them! You can also buy some cheap V-Bucks to get some upgrades.