Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 – The Ultimate Guide To Demons2 min read

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 introduced fresh and exciting content into the game, including a new map, weapons, mechanics, creatures, and much more. Players should be aware of these changes to outplay the enemies and complete the quests to level up the battle pass. Epic recently launched Story Quests’ first chapter, which features two demon-themed challenges.
These challenges are called “Damage Demons” and “Eliminate Demons to Collect Fresh Essence.” In these quests, players are required to hunt and fight against demons. In this article, we’ll guide you on what these demons are, where you can find them, and how to take them down in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Don’t worry, though; you’ll defeat them in no time!
Where To Find Demons In Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1?
Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 is currently occurring on a magical island under siege by these vicious demons who are ruining the land’s peace. Your main goal is to fight beside the island’s various creatures and take down these invaders. These demons are aggressive creatures you’ll come across on the Fortnite island. You’ll come across two brand-new Medallion Bosses.
They are named Night Rose and Shogun X. You’ll also cross paths with Demon Warriors & Their Demon Grunts. In every game, you’ll encounter two Demon Warriors, with each one being accompanied by their two Demon Grunts. The locations at which they spawn vary. You can locate them by a specific icon on the map, which sort of looks like a bull with horns.
There’s also a Forecast Tower that activates one time in a game and is guarded by a Boss and his two evil guards. Although it is similar to the previous seasons, these enemies are called demons in this chapter. Night Rose’s Shade Guards are always patrolling and protecting the Demon’s Dojo. You’ll have to take these guards down and the main boss to emerge victorious.
Each opponent that you encounter in the game is considered to be a demon, so they’ll be counted toward the Damage Demons and ELiminate Demons to Collect Fresh Essence quests. Not only this, but these creatures drop the essence needed for these challenges as a bonus, which makes it pretty easy for players to progress in both of these quests at the same time.
That’s all there is to know about demons and where you can find them in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. You can purchase V-Bucks through the MitchCactus website if you want to further upgrade your skills and weapons to take down these enemies. With Season 1 well underway, players are already catching up on Chapter 6 Season 2 leaks, which promise huge upgrades. Not only this, but these leaks also tease a new gameplay feature for the upcoming season!