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Fortnite C6S1 – How To Search Monarch Supply Drops2 min read

Fortnite Monarch drops

Godzilla can be found roaming and wreaking havoc on Fortnite Island, with players giving their all to take this gigantic boss down. The game features many quests focused on helping you defeat the boss, with one of these tasks requiring you to search Monarch supply drops. In this article, we’ll discuss how to complete this quest so that you can gain a large amount of XP.

How To Find & Search Monarch Supply Drops In Fortnite?

To complete this quest, players are required to locate and open two Monarch supply drops, but you don’t have to pick any of the loot since the task only needs you to open them. However, if you want you can pick it up since it does feature some fairly impressive items. Monarch supply drops are basically unique and popular loot cases that can be seen dropping from the sky.

These drops only happen during two particular events, which is why locating them can get quite challenging and requires players to keep a close eye on everything taking place on the Fortnite island. Monarch supply drops can show up at any location on the map based on where King Kong and Godzilla spawn. You can locate them easily by searching for the Monarch logo icon.

This icon looks somewhat like a bowtie and every Monarch drop remains marked on the Fortnite map until someone opens them. You’ll always find a group of Monarch supply drops appearing alongside King Kong’s arrival, who randomly jumps out of a portal as soon as the match starts. These drops warn players of Godzilla’s upcoming arrival and prepare them by offering gear.

Unfortunately, King Kong’s arrival isn’t guaranteed in every match, so the Monarch supply drops aren’t always available. Once he appears, he typically drops almost five or six of these in total. It’s best to look for these drops when Godzilla’s portal opens and the creature spawns briefly after. If you don’t become Godzilla, you’ll see a bunch of them drop in the area for you to loot.

Therefore, make sure to keep an eye on the sky and the map to run after them as soon as the boss battle starts. Plenty of Monarch supply drops are available during the fight, meaning this is the best time to focus on searching for them and opening them up. During this time, other players will be focused on getting the Godzilla Medallion, giving you space to get this loot.


That’s all there’s to know about searching Monarch supply drops in Fortnite. There are a bunch of other Godzilla quests in the game that you can complete, so take a look at some of the top ones. On the other hand, if you have your eyes on becoming the lethal creature itself, then make sure to enter those portals. You can also get cheap V-Bucks to enhance gameplay!