Black Ops 6 Multiplayer: Tips and Tricks To Know3 min read

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is officially out, introducing a wide range of exciting mechanics and features, like Omnimovement. These features have changed the way fans play the game and approach encounters in Multiplayer. In this article, we’ll discuss the best tips and tricks to help you use new and returning mechanics to make sure that you have the upper hand in BO6!
The Best Black Ops 6 Tips & Tricks
- Tip 1 – Get used to omnimovement before you do anything else because if you can’t use the movement in your favor, you’ll have a difficult time. Spend time in the Black Ops 6 Training Course and practice diving backward while sprinting, diving sideways in one smooth motion, and diving through a window in the middle of a 180-degree turn.
- Tip 2 – When you’re busy sprinting around a corner, make sure to hit the crouch button in order to slide. Once that’s done, press the prone button in a chain to make sure that you can easily slide into the best available piece of cover and distract your enemies.
- Tip 3 – While it is annoying, players should master jumping on enemies from around a corner and drop shotting, i.e., the ability that makes the player go from a standing position to prone quickly. One should know these essential strategies to gain an advantage over the enemy. The main goal of these moves is to throw off the opponent’s aim. Your opponent should aim for your head if they wish to kill you quickly since the time to kill in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is fast. If a player jumps or drops to the ground, their opponent would struggle while tracking their head, so be sure to throw them off.
- Tip 4 – Make sure to check and complete your Daily Challenges present on your lobby screen to keep an eye on the kind of weapons you should use and the type of objectives you should complete to earn some daily XP. Players can easily get 10,500 XP simply by completing their four daily challenges.
- Tip 5 – Players should play the objective, and while this might sound basic, many don’t opt for objective-based modes. You’ll receive more XP and level faster when you play the objective and increase the objective time in Black Ops 6 matches.
- Tip 6 – Since Zombies shares XP with the Black Ops 6 Multiplayer mode, players can try to level up and unlock more weapons quickly in that mode instead of directly diving into Multiplayer matches. Therefore, enter the Zombies mode either solo or with a squad.
- Tip 7 – Before finishing off an enemy, use their body as a shield to protect you from every incoming damage from the front. It also allows players to execute the opponent after a couple of seconds. If you want to use this tactic, sneak up on the enemy from behind and double-tap the execute button to turn the enemy into the hostage form.
Bonus: How To Unlock Camos Quickly
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