Marvel Rivals – Guide To Finding Bats The Ghost Dog2 min read

The most interesting thing about Marvel Rivals is that it features many exciting things on the map that leave players fascinated, such as the newly introduced Sanctum Sanctorum map. This unique location features an infinite staircase, a detail that has shocked and amazed the fans. Considering that it’s Doctor Strange’s map, it only makes sense for you to encounter Bats, his adorable adopted dog running around this place. In this article, we’ll discuss how to find him!
Who’s Bats The Ghost Dog?
Bats the Ghost Dog is Doctor Strange’s adopted loyal yet adorable little dog who possesses a weak heart. The basset hound has also been enchanted with a spell that allows him to talk to certain people. Following his death, the dog came back to Strange and continued to roam around in his ghostly body. However, finding this little creature can be quite a daunting task!
Where To Find Bats The Ghost Dog In Marvel Rivals?
Finding the dog and speaking to him is essential for players wanting to get an achievement, which can be challenging if you don’t know where to look. You can find Bats in the foyer of the Sanctum Sanctorum map. To complete the A Hounding Conversation achievement, you must get to him by entering a Doom Match mode and heading to the main building’s entrance area.
Once you’re inside, you’ll see Bats the Ghost Dog hanging out closer to the stairs and Doctor Strange’s portrait. If not here, then you’ll definitely see him lounging around on a small dog bed situated on the floor. Moreover, the little creature can hardly be missed because of his ghostly blue glow. It’s also worth noting that Bats only speaks to a handful of Marvel Rivals characters.
How Can You Complete The Achievement?
If you want to complete the A Hounding Conversation Achievement, you’re required to trigger a particular voice line with Bats the Ghost Dog. You can do this by approaching him, which automatically kickstarts the conversation. The real hurdle is that not every character featured in the game can accomplish this. Following are some characters that can start this conversation:
- Jeff the Land Shark
- Spider-Man
- Squirrel Girl
- Thor
If you want to make things easier for yourself while completing this Marvel Rivals achievement, then you can also choose to turn on the game’s subtitles to check if you have successfully completed it before the match concludes. This is mainly because the FFA maps can get a little loud at certain times with a bunch of people fighting in the background.
That’s all there is to know about finding and speaking to Bats the Ghost Dog in Marvel Rivals. You can enhance your gameplay and progress further in the game by boosting your ranks and by boosting your achievements in the third-person hero shooter from the MitchCactus website!