How to Get Mystic Gold Camo in BO6 Zombies?3 min read

The Mystic Gold Camo is one of the most sought-after rewards in BO6 Zombies mode. Unlocking it requires patience and precision, but with the right approach, you can achieve it faster. Here’s a detailed guide on how to unlock this camo, with tips to make the process easier.
Step 1. Initial Headshot Challenges
To begin the journey toward the Mystic Gold Camo, start with the headshot challenges. The goal is to get 2,000 headshots with each weapon to unlock the base camos. Here’s how to approach this step:
- Choose a High-Damage Weapon: Use an LMG or a powerful AR. These weapons allow for sustained shooting, which is ideal for landing accurate headshots.
- Activate Deadshot Daiquiri Perk: This perk improves headshot accuracy, automatically aiming at the zombie’s head when you aim down sights.
- Play on Small Maps: Smaller maps like Terminus Island work best for headshot farming. Zombies are closer, which makes headshots easier to achieve.
Step 2. Upgrade Your Weapon
Once you’ve started accumulating headshots, it’s essential to upgrade your weapon to keep up with higher-round zombies. Use the Pack-a-Punch machine to improve damage and add special effects:
- Pack-a-Punch at Least Twice: Upgrade your weapon to the second level to increase its effectiveness. This step will make it easier to handle larger waves and stronger zombies.
- Add Elemental Effects: If possible, use attachments or ammo mods like Cryofreeze, which slows zombies down, giving you more time to land precise headshots.
Step 3. Secondary Challenges – Critical Kills and Hipfire
After completing the headshot challenges, the next step involves hipfire kills and critical kills to progress further in the Mystic Gold Camo journey.
- Hipfire Kill Strategy: Stay in close-quarters areas where zombies come directly toward you. Aim from the hip without looking down sights, especially useful in tight spaces.
- Use Stock Option Perk: Stock Option allows you to use ammo directly from your reserves without reloading, which is helpful for hipfire kills in high-intensity rounds.
Step 4. Special Zombie Eliminations
In addition to regular zombies, you need to eliminate special zombies like Manglers to unlock specific camo stages. Here’s how to efficiently eliminate special zombies:
- Equip High-Damage Ammunition Mods: For weapons with higher damage output, equip mods that are particularly effective against special zombies. Use Shatter Blast for maximum impact.
- Lure Manglers to Open Areas: Fighting Manglers in open spaces will give you enough room to aim and dodge their attacks, which is especially useful for avoiding their close-range hits.
Step 5. Rapid Kill Challenges for Mystic Gold Camo
The final challenge to unlock the Mystic Gold Camo is to get 10 rapid kills in quick succession multiple times. This step can be challenging but is manageable with the right approach.
- Focus on Grouped Zombies: Use training areas to group zombies together, allowing you to line up multiple kills in quick bursts.
- Use Tactical Equipment: Items like decoys and Monkey Bombs can help gather zombies into one area, making it easier to score multiple kills rapidly.
Camo Progression Tips
- Monitor Your Progress: BO6 allows you to track camo progress mid-game. Use this feature to stay on top of your stats and determine how close you are to completion.
- Play High-Density Rounds: Later rounds spawn zombies at a faster rate, giving you more opportunities for the rapid kills required for Mystic Gold.
Get the Mystic Gold Camo
Once all challenges are complete, the Mystic Gold Camo will unlock, granting you an exclusive camo that shines brilliantly in Zombies mode. Moreover, with our Call of Duty BO6 Camos Boosting, you can flaunt camos like Dark Matter without the grind. Delivered fast and done with care, our boosts are 100% legitimate. Let us handle the heavy lifting while you enjoy the rewards on the battlefield!