Call of Duty Black Ops 6 – The Best Model L Loadout3 min read

The Model L is among some of the best options in the Black Ops 6 Assault Rifle meta. While it does have a slow rate of fire, there are many other qualities of the weapon that set it apart from the rest of the options. You might be tempted to pick out the AMES 85 or GPR 91, but Model L comes close to these options. In this article, we’ll discuss its loadout to take it to the next level.
The Best Model L Loadout
- Barrel – Gain-Twist Barrel
- Muzzle – Compensator
- Optic – Kepler Microflex
- Rear Grip – Quickdraw Grip
- Underbarrel – Vertical Foregrip
Picking an Optic and attaching it to the weapon depends on the player, but you’ll still benefit from using the Kepler Microflex. It provides a clean line of sight without any hindrances on the screen. The rest of the loadout mentioned above mainly focuses on enhancing the Model L’s accuracy and damage to bring it to the same level as the other ARs in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
The Compensator makes it easier for players to eliminate enemies in medium to long-range gunfights. The muzzle is popular for greatly enhancing the weapon’s vertical recoil, whereas the Vertical Foregrip significantly decreases horizontal recoil. With the help of these two pieces of equipment, you’ll notice that the Model L has become even more versatile and reliable.
On the other hand, the Grain-Twist Barrel enhances bullet velocity, helping to eliminate opponents instantly. While the other ARs possess a quicker TTK speed, this attachment on the Model L takes it to a whole new level. Lastly, the Quickdraw Grip helps with aim-down-sight (ADS) speed, which comes in handy in Black Ops 6 since it’s such a fast-paced game.
If you want to focus on the looks as well as performance, you can check out BO6 camo boosting services that allow you to effortlessly unlock camos such as the Dark Matter camo.
The Best Model L Perks & Wildcard
- Perk 1 – Ninja
- Perk 2 – Tracker
- Perk 3 – Cold-Blooded
- Specialty – Recon
- Lethal – Frag Grenade
- Tactical – Flashbang
- Wildcard – Perk Greed
- Perk Greed – Vigilance
- Field Upgrade – Acoustic Amp
Players are required to choose three Perks of the same color if they wish to get a Specialty. However, since they’re so useful in the middle of a high-paced match, you’ll want to pick out four. Once you choose three blue Perks, you’ll unlock the Recon Class Specialty, which specializes in allowing players to see their enemies through the walls briefly after they spawn.
Treyarch has made one huge change to Black Ops 6: they enhanced the game’s audio settings so much that players can easily hear their enemy’s footsteps. Ninja is a good Perk to use after that improvement, as it quietens your footsteps. Tracker highlights the opponent’s footsteps and pings them. Knowing your enemy’s location is crucial, especially since the maps are so small.
Last but not least, Cold-Blooded helps you stay undetectable to AI targeting and Scorestreaks controlled by players.