
Fortnite Gold Veins: Where and How To Find Them2 min read

Gold veins in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 focuses mainly on heists and robbing bank vaults present all over the Island. However, it isn’t always a safe option for you to break into vaults to get your hands on some Gold, even though the loot can be tempting. One alternative to this is Gold Veins, which can be tough to find. In this article, we’ll talk about where and how you can mine them!


It can get quite challenging for players to find Gold Veins if they aren’t sure where exactly to look. Therefore, if you want to mine Gold Veins to get your hands on some of that extra gold, then you can start looking near the gold-infused rivers flowing around the Outlaw Oasis, Crime City, and Shiny Shaft Points Of Interests in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2.

You’ll find them situated in the midwestern part of the map, where you can also see golden mountains and rocks. It’s important to note that Gold Veins are smaller compared to golden stones or structures. They also show up in clusters on the ground, so make sure not to confuse the two. Once you have successfully located them on the map, the next step is to mine them.

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How To Mine Gold Veins?

Gold Veins are supposed to be mined in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2. Each of the rocks offers players almost 30 Gold Bars. If you want to mine them, then all you have to do is switch your weapon and select your pickaxe. Once that’s done, you can start damaging the rock until it breaks. One particular spot can have several of them, meaning you can rack more Gold Bars.

What’s more interesting is that players can also get their hands on the Gold Rush effect once they have mined Gold Veins in the game. This specific feature offers a movement boost to players for a short amount of time, which can be quite useful when you have an enemy getting ready to jump on you. Mining Gold Veins is an excellent way to get some extra Gold Bars.

They can be easily found at the locations mentioned above, so once you get them, you won’t need to jump into the action and try robbing those bank vaults. This reduces the risk of you getting eliminated earlier on in the game and also increases your chances of winning the match. If you want to improve your game even more, check out how hitscan works in Fortnite to master your gunplay.