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Fortnite C6S2 How To Fix “Baron Is Hoarding Gold” Quest Bug2 min read

Baron is holding gold quest bug

Epic Games has officially launched its first group of Story quests designed for Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 on February 25, 2025. It features a particular questline called “Found Quests,” which only needs two steps. However, an annoying bug has stopped players from progressing further in the game. In this article, we’ll guide you on how players can fix this specific bug in the game!

How To Fix The “Baron Is Hoarding Gold” Bug?

Once you’ve interacted with the NPC, a couple of players have encountered an error that stops the character from moving and then cuts off access to the quest’s second objective. There are a couple of things you can try to carry on with the quest. To begin the quest, make sure to go into the map’s easter part and land at the popular Outlaw Oasis Point of Interest in Fortnite.

It also doubles as Baron’s estate. Search for the Valentina NPC present right beside the building’s swimming pool and then talk to her about Baron’s personal safe. Once you’ve gone through all of the dialogue options, Valentina should head inside the building and towards a bookshelf. You’ll find the safe hidden behind this bookcase in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2.

She’ll begin safe-cracking on her phone, leaving you to take care of six guard NPCs that’ll spawn in the location. As soon as all of the NPCs have been taken down, you’ll see Valentina opening the case, which means that players have officially completed both steps of “Found Quests.” However, many players have encountered an issue when it comes to this objective.

The problem lies in the fact that Valentina doesn’t always end up entering the building once the conversation comes to an end. Many players were able to progress once they joined a second match and followed the same steps. On the other hand, there are some users who have reported that attempting to complete the quest several times didn’t help them in any way.

A YouTuber called Fortnite Events has shared footage with fans, which shows that they easily completed the “Baron is hoarding gold” objective simply by diving into a Ranked Battle Royale match. However, apart from these particular workarounds, one can only hope that developer Epic Games launches a fix pretty soon for this annoying bug in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2.


That’s all there is to know about moving past the “Baron is hoarding gold” bug and completing the objective in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2. In this season, players can also make the most of the popular Moments feature and catch up on how they can get their hands on the Outlaw Midas skin. You can also purchase some V-Bucks at a low price from the MitchCactus website.